TCF (Test de connaissance du français)

TCF is a French language certificate recognized by francophone universities, European and international institutions, mixed and foreign companies. It includes the four language skills – reading, listening, speaking and writing. Scoreis expressed in points from 100 to 699, which correspond to the Common European Framework of Reference levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).

A variety of TCF is TCF-Quebec. This is a French language certificate introduced in 2007 by the authorities in Quebec, Canada, for the needs of immigration services.

It consists of 4 modules: Listening comprehension /Comprehension orale/ (30 questions, duration 30 minutes), Speaking /Expression orale/ (3 items, duration 12 minutes), Reading comprehension /Comprehension ecrite/ (30 questions, duration 40 minutes) and Writing / Expression ecrite / (3 items, duration 60 minutes).

The first two modules – Listening and Speakingscore as follows: for level B2 – 5 points, for level C1-6 points and for level C2-7 points. Levels below B2 do not score any points.

The Reading and Writing modules score one point each.

The modules are separable and each candidate chooses which module to take.

Candidates wishing to take the TCF or TCF – Quebecfor a second time may do so during one session (30 days). This also applies to each subsequent taking of the test. For this purpose, the candidate must indicate the code from the previous test.

International Certificates in French – TCF, TCF – Quebec

(Test of Connaissance du français, Test of Connaissance for Français for Immigration in Quebec)

The venue of the upcoming sessions is the Department for Language Teachingand International Students, Sofia University “St. KlimentOhridski “, 27, KostaLulchev Street, 1111 Sofia.

Attention! TCF / TCF – Quebec

From 1 January 2018 TCF / TCF – Quebec Exams Registration will be done without an ID card scan. Candidates must indicate a name and surname in Latin(as in theiridentity card) and birth date in their application form.

The verification of personal information will take place on the exam day.

Conditions for enrollment: a scanned color photo passport format (according to the sample below), a written application form to the Director of DLTIS to sit for the exam with the desired date, exam type and elements, e-mail address, contact address and telephone numbers of the applicant, a copy of the bank transfer order for the exam fee.

For second-time candidates, there must be a time period of 30 days between the first and the second exam and candidates need to indicate the code from the previous test. Regardless of the times a candidate takes the exam, a complete set of the required documents must be sent. The application form must necessarily specify which examelement the candidate wants to take.

Exam fees
TCF General obligatory 96 euro
Elective written 54 euro
oral 54 euro
TCF Quebec Elective Listening 54 euro
Reading 54 euro
Speaking 54 euro
Writing 54 euro

More information about the exam format can be found at:, and at tel. 02 872-20-41 Rumiana Djelebova

For contact, consultation and enrollment electronically: